According to Marley

A cat's eye view of the World

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Auto Mechanic Saved By Super Cat

Takoma Park, MD: An auto mechanic working at the Old Town Auto Service Center in Takoma Park, MD was saved by a cat with seemingly super cat strength when the car lift failed.
“I thought I was a goner when the car that was on the lift started to come down on me. Thank God that cat was there to save the day” auto mechanic Roberto Gonzales stated.

Mr. Boots the cat stated that “I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I don’t know where I got the strength to lift the car…I just did it.”

Takoma Park Mayor Kathryn H. Porter in an informal ceremony deemed June 14, 2006 “Mr. Boots the Cat Day” and gave him the keys to the city.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Chicatski Steals the Show

WASHINGTON, DC: The great Romanian pianist Romanoff Chicatski preformed several concertos before heads of state at a rare Kennedy Center appearance Saturday night. His demure stature did not affect his delightful performance as he tickled the ivories.

“Sometimes I feel myself roaming from one end of the piano to the other looking for that proverbial bowl of milk” Chicatski noted.

Romanoff Chicatski will be appearing in 2 more performances this week at the Kennedy Center before traveling onto Prague for his final tour performance.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Muggers Holdup Cat at Gunpoint

LANHAM, MD: Seymour the cat was held up at gunpoint yesterday while making a withdrawal from an ATM machine.

“First he pulled a gun on me, and then he took a picture of the holdup for some reason. I acted instinctively and hissed at him. He must have gotten scared by my ferocity, because he ran off dropping his camera” Seymour stated.

Police are on the lookout for a white male, purported to be “real big, but a real puss.”

If you have any information regarding the perpetrator, please contact your local police authority.